11 Hazardous Spills You Can Find at Home and How to Clean Them

Biohazards are substances or materials dangerous to people’s health, mainly because of their ability to transfer disease. Little did you know, you may find these toxic wastes in your homes. These include potentially poisonous materials, radioactive, or infected with blood-borne pathogens like hepatitis B and C and HIV/AIDS. 

Home biohazards create a need for special cleaning and disposal methods and professionals to perform biohazard cleanup in severe cases. Some biohazards are easily visible, while others, like blood-borne pathogens, require laboratory testing to determine their presence.

Most Common Biohazards in the Home

1. Animal Waste, Such as Feces and Vomit

After picking up animal waste with gloves or a plastic bag, seal the excrement in another plastic bag before placing it into your garbage can. Wash your hands after disposing of the waste.

2. Feces and Vomit of Any Kind 

Clean with disinfectant wipes after a sick person uses the bathroom or handles food. Wash your hands afterward.

3. Dirty Diapers 

Handle diapers (both humans and pets) carefully since they are biohazards that can carry disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) like hepatitis A virus (HAV), rotavirus, shigella, norovirus, toxoplasmosis, and E. coli. After removing the diaper, put it in a plastic bag before throwing it out. Wash your hands after disposing of them.

4. Dirty Razor Blades 

These can carry various microorganisms, including “Staphylococcus aureus,” salmonella, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and “Escherichia coli.” Always dispose of them in a puncture-resistant container such as an empty bleach bottle. 

5. Molds

If you find mold growing in your home, remove it carefully before using any cleansers or disinfectants to clean surfaces. Use protective gloves (such as rubber ones) and a face mask, then throw them away.

For severe infestations, spraying bleach on moldy surfaces is not enough. Plus, it causes damage to your home’s structure if not properly cleaned. Contact a reliable company to perform a water damage assessment before a total cleanup to avoid further damage to your home.

6. Insect or Rodent Droppings 

These are common in homes with pets or wild animals nearby. If you find mouse poop in your home, do not panic. Wear disposable rubber gloves to collect the droppings with paper towels carefully. Place them in a plastic bag before throwing them away into an outdoor garbage receptacle. Wipe down all surfaces with disinfectant spray.

7. Cat Litter 

Cat litter should always be disposed of daily to prevent odor and excess moisture. The moist environment created by cat litter is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens, such as “Salmonella” and “E. coli.” To avoid illness caused by pathogens, wear protective gloves when changing the litter box and wash your hands afterward.

8. Blood or Body Fluids 

These biohazard wastes may contain pathogens. All blood is considered biohazardous, but it is imperative to avoid blood-borne diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). These can spread through contact with infected bodily fluids. 

Know how to handle a spill involving these materials immediately. Use personal protective equipment, dispose of the material following local regulations, and sterilize any surfaces or objects that have been contaminated. If possible, call professionals to take care of it.

9. Dead Animals Found in the House 

Dead animals you can find in your home may be infected with anthrax or rabies, so avoid handling them yourself. Contact your local animal control department to remove the animal and dispose of it.

10. Dirty Dishes 

Dirty dishes used for raw meat, eggs, or poultry may contain “Salmonella” organisms that can cause severe illness if ingested. Wash these items carefully before reusing them and handle them with disposable rubber gloves.

11. Dirty Laundry by a Sick Person

Dirty laundry used by a sick person can spread viruses such as norovirus, rotavirus, and influenza A virus (IAV) if not handled properly before washing. After a person becomes ill with a respiratory illness, wait until fever-free for at least 24 hours without medications to launder their clothes. While waiting, place all soiled laundry in a plastic bag and put it in an outdoor garbage receptacle away from people.

Hiring Professionals for Biohazard Cleanup

While you can clean some non-infectious biohazards at home by following the steps above, it’s always best to call experts for help. These professionals know how to avoid touching anything with bare hands. Many people don’t realize that many “safe” places where they put their fingers are hazardous after a biohazard contaminates them.

For instance, blood-borne pathogens are infectious and can easily contract through unprotected contact. But experts use effective biohazard containment methods to contain the contamination away from non-infected areas. This ensures that any dirt will not be brought outside of the affected area, reducing the risk of your family’s exposures to contaminants.

It’s essential to work with professionals in your area to handle biohazards in your home because biohazard cleanup requires immediate attention. You can ask for recommendations from the people you trust who have used these services before. The internet is also an excellent place to look for such services. For instance, you may look for “cleaning businesses in MA” to limit your search if you’re from the area. 

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